Our programmes keep the children busy and active. Here you can see some of the activities that take place.
- Scary masks
- Goodie basket
- Water pistol wars
- Sea creatures
- Sandpit time
- Pet rocks
- Rock pools
- Recycled artwork
- Robot creation
- Robot recycling
- Robot design
- Rainbow cake treat
- Plate painting
- Plate decoration
- A cardboard monster
- A thank you letter
- Lego crafts
- Lego designs
- Cupcake decorating
- Cake icing
- Bumper balls
- Cracker crafts
- Colourful craft work
- Plate decorating
- Cup decorating
- Paper dart designs
- Frame artwork
- Goodie baskets
- Hand paintings
- Friendship bracelets
- Bumper ball
- Swimming
- Littlies at the beach
- Beach time
- Art class